Mirror Sound
Book Development

Mirror Sound
The co-authoring of the first book devoted entirely to the practice of self-recording music. A look into the people and processes behind the music.
Book Development

Our most recent book has been called a love letter to musicians featuring some of the biggest names in music today as well as pioneers of recording. With a foreword by Carrie Brownstein, Mirror Sound delves deep into the world of self-recorded music, showcasing the people and processes behind this innovative approach to music creation. Featuring exclusive interviews with renowned musicians like Eleanor Friedberger, Sharon Van Etten, NNAMDÏ, Tune-Yards, Mac DeMarco, Cautious Clay, Vagabon, Yuka Honda, Suzanne Ciani, Sadie Supuis, the late Emitt Rhodes and many more. "Mirror Sound" examines the topics of creative risk taking, individual process and self determination, offering a unique glimpse into the artistic freedom and creative journeys of these talented artists. Each artist’s space photographed by the celebrated music photographer Daniel Topete, the book is also a visual portfolio of the spaces in which we create - a rich look into the private spaces in which some of America’s most pioneering musicians invent.

As the co-authors of "Mirror Sound," we embarked on a journey to uncover the transformative power of self-motivated innovation. Through original interviews and studio visits, we reveal the joys, challenges, and intricacies of recording music on one's own terms. Our approach celebrates the diverse voices and experiences of musicians who have embraced self-recording and across the photography and accompanying interviews on their craft, we see shared words, images, and patterns emerge on why and how we create. "Mirror Sound" is not just a book; it's a toolkit for learning creatively from others and ourselves through curiosity. Mirror Sound is a meditation on the connection between listening to music, seeing the environment that this music is made in and having a deeper understanding of the art overall.